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Best Easy Hike for Awesome Photos – Cascade Falls

Cascade Falls

Cascade Falls is located in Mission, BC.

I enjoy taking photos when exploring new places. Cascade Falls is the perfect hike for anyone that does not want to exert too much physical energy and wants an amazing backdrop.

Depending on the elevation gain, bringing my camera can be challenging.

My lovely FujiX100T has the weight is equivalent to a full sized candle. Think of thisย L’Occitane Candle.ย Carrying this around your neck while trying to push your legs forward for a long period could make you wish you never brought it in the first place.

How perfect this hike that from the parking lot, after a short distance you will reach a set of stairs that will take you to the suspension bridge that over looks the falls.

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This photo was taken at the base of the falls.

I chose to disregard the very obvious hazard sign and traversed my way down. Being a cautious to an extent person, I stayed a good distance from the water.

Of course, there was a hazard sign for a reason.

Tell me about your favourite hikes to take photos!

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